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Leadership Experience


The following projects include research, planning, execution and evaluation. 

End of the Year Club Extravaganza


I was the president of the Student Alumni Association at the University of St. Francis. This was a flyer I made for the End of the Year Club Extravaganza event I co-hosted with various other clubs. 

Take A Stand


In my Website Development class, we were told to think of a problem that we see in the world and create a website to raise awareness. I chose the lack of respect some healthcare professionals have. This cause was near and dear to my heart because of the care my dad received when he was in the hospital. I created this website to bring awareness that there should be a set of guidelines healthcare professionals need to follow in order to work in this field. This website demonstrates my creative skills, research skills, as well as my passion for this cause. 

Alpha Phi Minute to Win It


I was the Director of Sisterhood for my sorority's chapter. One of the events I planned and executed was a Minute To Win It inspired game night. I created this flyer to get the word out to the girls. 

This was a flyer I created for our sorority retreat. I worked on a committee of a few other girls to help plan the retreat and execute the event. 

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